
RSA Course and Certificate

Be alert during Schoolies

From 21-28 November, Queensland school leavers will celebrate their milestone occasion, with interstate students following hot on their heels the week after.

Checking and confiscating ID

This is a time to pay particular attention when checking ID. When an under-age school leaver (minor) uses a fake ID while attempting to gain access to a licensed venue and alcohol, you and your staff must know what to do.

If you suspect a person’s ID is not genuine, you and your staff are required to confiscate that ID. You should confiscate ID if:

  • a person falsely represents themselves to be at least 18 with intent to enter a licensed premises or be supplied liquor
  • the ID appears to have been tampered with
  • a person falsely uses a genuine ID (that is not theirs) to represent themselves to be 18 years or older while attempting to enter a licensed venue or be supplied liquor.

All confiscated ID should be sent to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR) with a completed ID confiscation report.