RSA Online

RSA RSG Bundle Online $34.99

Valid in QLD, WA, NT
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RSA RSG Course


    Latest Units

    Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol and Gambling (Nationally Accredited)

  • Duration: 6-12 Hours* The delivery hours may vary depending upon your experience, knowledge and general understanding. It includes both training & assessment components and is based on intermediate learners with some experience.
  • Course Due Date: 3 months from enrolment date
RSA RSG Bundle Online Training Course Certificates

RSA RSG Assessment

We offer RSA online training with state-specific assessment that includes a combination of:

  • Single/multiple choice questions
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Short answer questions
  • Matching question
  • Simulated work environment based scenario questions
  • Verbal assessment

RSA RSG Certificate

  • RSA Valid in: Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory, Victoria*
    (*after free bridging course)
  • RSG Valid in: Queensland, Western Australia, Northern Territory
  • Expiry: The RSA Statement of Attainment does not expire for QLD, WA, SA. For the ACT, it expires in 3 years. For NT, it needs to be renewed every 3 years.
  • Print & Post: For an additional fee of $16, we can post your certificate printed copy and a wallet-size plastic card to your home/postal address.
  • Same-day Certificate: Download instantly upon the successful completion of course.

RSA RSG Requirements

You would need access to:

  • Any device (computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone) with internet access, and modern web browser. Our site works on any device and platform.
  • A telephone OR device capable of recording audio for the verbal assessment.
  • A unique email inbox
  • USI (Unique Student Identifier)
  • A valid photo ID
RSA & RSG Bundle - More Info
  • Sign Up, Login & Start Free Trial
  • Complete Payment
  • Complete Online Knowledge Assessment
  • Complete Online Verbal Assessment
  • Download Statement of Attainment

Sign Up, Login & Start Free Trial

Time: 2 minutes To start an online course, you need to create an account. You can create an account here.
Once you have created an account successfully, you can log in and start a course.
Start free trial: Once logged in, you can start with a free trial of any of our courses.

Complete Payment - Pay after the free trial to continue

Time: 2 minutes When you reach the end of the free trial, you will need to pay for the course to continue. You can either use your online wallet (if you have one!) OR opt for credit/debit cards options. You can even choose to pay using Direct Deposit or PayID. Once you have successfully made a payment, you can continue your course.
Students have access to the course 24/7 and must complete it within the next three(3) months. If the student fails to complete the course in this duration, the course is deactivated, and no refunds are issued, as per our fees & refund policy.

Complete Online Knowledge Assessment - Start, pause, resume anytime

Time: 3-6 hours6-12 hours5-6 hours. It also depends on your knowledge, experience and computer skills. During the course, you can pause and resume anytime, from any device, as it is 100% online. Your progress gets automatically saved on our servers.

Complete Online Verbal Assessment

Time: 10-15 minutes20-30 minutes20-30 minutes Submit your responses: For RSA, you will need to record your voice while refusing service to different customers. For RSG, you will need to record your voice while dealing with problem gamblers. We offer different options to submit your verbal assessment.
Trainer's review: You will be notified of the result via email when a trainer finishes reviewing your responses. This usually takes a few hours but may take a maximum of 1 working day.

Download Your Statement of Attainment

Time: 1 minute You receive your Statement of Attainment instantly after you pass all the assessments.
Your Statement of Attainment is in PDF file format. You can print this Statement of Attainment.

Elements and Performance Criteria for RSA

Elements describe the essential outcomes. Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Element 1. Follow the principles of responsible service of alcohol.
  • 1.1 Identify the provisions of relevant state or territory legislation, licensing requirements, house policy and responsible service of alcohol principles.
  • 1.2 Where appropriate, request and obtain acceptable proof of age prior to sale or service.
  • 1.3 Provide accurate information to customers on alcoholic beverages according to organisation or house policy and government legislation.
  • 1.4 Assist customers with information on a range of non-alcoholic beverages available for purchase.
  • 1.5 Identify issues related to the sale or service of alcohol to different types of customers, especially those at risk.
Element 2. Assist customers to drink within appropriate limits.
  • 2.1 Use knowledge of industry requirements and professional standards to determine the volume for standard drinks or samples.
  • 2.2 Use a professional manner to encourage customers to drink within appropriate limits.
  • 2.3 Identify erratic drinking patterns as an early sign of possible intoxication and take appropriate action.
  • 2.4 Monitor emotional and physical state of customers for signs of intoxication and signs of illicit or other drug use.
  • 2.5 Where appropriate, offer food and non-alcoholic beverages in accordance with house policy.
  • 2.6 Decline requests for alcohol to be dispensed in a manner that is irresponsible and advise customers of the reasons for the refusal.
Element 3. Assess alcohol affected customers and identify those to whom sale or service must be refused.
  • 3.1 Assess intoxication levels of customers using appropriate methods.
  • 3.2 Identify factors that may affect individual responses to alcohol.
  • 3.3 Identify customers to whom sale or service must be refused according to state and territory legislation.
Element 4. Refuse to provide alcohol.
  • 4.1 Refuse sale or service in a professional manner, state reasons for the refusal, and where appropriate point out signage.
  • 4.2 Provide appropriate assistance to customers when refusing service.
  • 4.3 Where appropriate, give customers a verbal warning and ask them to leave the premises according to organisational or house requirements, the specific situation, and provisions of state or territory legislation and regulations.
  • 4.4 Use appropriate communication and conflict resolution skills to handle difficult situations.
  • 4.5 Refer difficult situations beyond the scope of own responsibility to the appropriate person.
  • 4.6 Promptly identify situations that pose a threat to the safety or security of colleagues, customers or property, and seek assistance from appropriate colleagues according to organisational or house policy.

Elements and Performance Criteria for RSG

Elements describe the essential outcomes. Performance criteria describe the performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the element.

Element 1. Implement responsible gambling practices.
  • 1.1 Follow responsible gambling service procedures according to relevant state and territory legislation and industry and organisational policy and codes of conduct.
  • 1.2 Communicate with appropriate personnel on gambling related incidents, situations and their compliance with legislation and industry and organisational policy.
  • 1.3 Maintain accurate records of gambling related incidents and associated staff action according to industry and organisational policies and procedures.
  • 1.4 Ensure gambling environmental features support responsible gambling policies within scope of own responsibility.
Element 2. Provide information and assistance to customers about gambling harm and harm minimisation.
  • 2.1 Provide accurate and appropriate information on impacts of harm from gambling and gambling harm minimisation and reduction.
  • 2.2 Follow procedures for self exclusion and exclusion according to legislation, industry and organisational policy, and confidentiality and privacy requirements.
  • 2.3 Display signage and information related to responsible gambling in appropriate places visible to players, according to legislative, industry and organisational requirements.
  • 2.4 On request, provide information on available support services according to confidentiality and privacy requirements, and legislative, industry and organisational requirements.

At the completion of our RSA online course, students should be able to -

  • Provide responsible sale and service of alcoholic beverages.
  • A deep understanding of the law and facts relating to alcohol consumption and the responsible service of alcohol.
  • Ability to understand when a customer is intoxicated and politely refuse them if necessary, providing them with valid reasons for denial.
  • Ability to minimise harm to avoid customer intoxication, e.g. by suggesting food, water, low-concentration drinks

Upon completion of our RSG online program, students should be able to -

  • Provide effective and responsible service of gambling in the industry.
  • Provide information and assistance to customers about problem gambling

Key takeaways from our RSA course

  • Always follow legislation and licensing requirements when selling or serving alcohol [You cannot mess with this, it can cause you to lose $$$]
  • Provide accurate information to customers on alcoholic beverages according to the organisation or house policy and government legislation [As every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So, providing incorrect information can lead to incorrect action by your employer against you]
  • A standard drink contains approximately 10 grams of alcohol [Not all glasses hold just 10 grams of alcohol]
  • Recognise erratic drinking patterns as an early sign of possible intoxication and take appropriate action [Offer food, water, non-alcoholic beverages and even organise transport if necessary… that's the best you can do]
  • Politely decline requests for alcohol to be dispensed [Have the courage to say NO. Do the right thing because it is right]
  • Identify customers to whom sale or service must be refused [Minors, intoxicated or disorderly person must not be entertained rather you must demotivate them. And for Minors, be careful; they can be Smart, always ask for proof of age before sale or service]
  • Identify situations that pose a threat to the safety or security of colleagues, customers or property [These events are unexpected, be prepared to deal with them]
  • If necessary, seek assistance from the manager or supervisor [Don't try to do everything and anything... It's no harm to involve a more experienced person]
  • 'Time' and 'NO alcohol' are the only ways that can sober the effect of alcohol [It's good to take to break every now and again]

Key takeaways from our RSG course

  • Always follow responsible gambling service procedures, legislation and industry and organisational policies and procedures [Just do it, you'll never repent]
  • 1% of the Australian population have a severe gambling problem [OMG]
  • In the gaming area, make the players aware of the passage of time, and not allow minors and intoxicated patrons [Display clocks and natural light, encourage breaks in play]
  • ATM and EFTPOS facilities must not be located in close proximity to gambling areas [Some people cannot stop themselves while gambling, they get really depressed from a loss and continue to bet in a hope to get their money back]
  • Encourage customers to take breaks in play [It's simple… offer service of tea and coffee]
  • Responsible gambling signage must be prominently displayed in all gambling area [It can be a poster, takeaway card, drink coaster and LCD screen]
  • Patron may be "excluded" from playing particular gambling products at the venue or from entering all or part of your venue [It can be either self or venue-initiated]
  • Ensure the information provided is accurate and complete [Just don't guess or provide partial information]
  • Harm minimization strategies must be followed [It will not only minimise the negative impact of gambling on patrons but also on their families and the community]
Responsible practices must be undertaken wherever alcohol is sold or served, including where alcohol samples are served during on-site product tastings. This unit, therefore, applies to any workplace where alcohol is sold or served, including all types of hospitality venues, packaged liquor outlets and wineries, breweries and distilleries. The unit applies to all levels of sales personnel involved in the sale, service and promotional service of alcohol in licensed premises. Those selling or serving alcohol may include food and beverage attendants; packaged liquor sales persons selling in person, over the phone or online; winery, brewery and distillery cellar door staff; and supplier sales representatives. The unit also applies to security staff who monitor customer behaviour and to the licensee who is ultimately responsible for responsible service of alcohol (RSA) management. RSA training may also need to be completed by other staff who have alcohol service responsibilities, such as:
  • Volunteers
  • Promotional staff
  • Contract employees
  • Directors of registered clubs
Responsible gambling services must be provided wherever gambling activities are undertaken. In the hospitality industry, the gambling environment is usually referred to as the gaming area and is provided in a range of venues, such as hotels, motels, clubs, pubs and casinos. Responsible provision of gambling services is an essential underpinning skill for all hospitality personnel, especially for those staff involved in the direct sale and service of gambling activities in licensed premises. This includes:
  • The licensee
  • Gaming supervisors
  • Gaming managers
  • Gaming employees

Galaxy Training Australia offers online RSA & RSG certificate training with state specific training resources and assessment.
Sign up, log in, select your state and start the course. Our course is simple to complete and provides you with the necessary certification required for the legal service of alcohol and gambling services in the state.

We provide people from Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory with online Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate. We offer Responsible Service of Gaming training for people looking to work in Queensland, Western Australia and Northern Territory. If you are looking to work in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Cairns, Sunshine Coast, Perth, Geraldton, Adelaide, Darwin, Canberra or anywhere else in QLD, WA, SA, NT, or ACT just log in and begin to take either of these required courses for hospitality employment.

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State Wise Legislation Requirements

Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate in Queensland

According to Queensland's Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation, all new employees involved in the service or supply of liquor need to obtain their RSA training course certificate, within 30 days from the date of commencing employment.

From July 1, 2013 the training course certificate recognised for having completed mandatory RSA training required by the Liquor Act 1992 is a VET (Vocational Education & Training) Statement of Attainment in 'Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol'.

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Responsible Gambling Services Certificate in Queensland

According to Queensland's Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation, all new employees performing gaming tasks or duties have three months from the date of starting employment to obtain their RSG course certificate.

From July 1, 2013 the training course certificate recognised for having completed mandatory RSG training required by the Gaming Machine Act 1991 is a VET Statement of Attainment in 'Provide Responsible Gambling Services'.

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Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate in South Australia

In South Australia, for becoming a responsible person to serve alcohol:

  • You need to first complete Nationally Accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol Training (SITHFAB021)
  • Your licensee would then make an application to have a responsible person approved at their premises. You will receive an identification badge, indicating you are approved as a responsible person under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997.

According to Commissioners General Code of Practice for required training and practices, a licensee must ensure that all staff involved in the service or supply of liquor on the licensed premises complete Nationally Accredited Responsible Service of Alcohol training.

A responsible person approved by the licensing authority will be issued with a photo identification badge indicating that they are approved as a responsible person under the Liquor Licensing Act 1997. The approved responsible person must wear the issued identification badge at all times, while on duty.

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Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate in Northern Territory

According to the Liquor Act, Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificates for staff involved in the service of alcohol are compulsory in the Northern Territory, is in line with the rest of Australia.

The commission recognises all RSA certificates issued by accredited training providers interstate.

Employees need to have an RSA certificate within seven days of starting work at licensed premises and must renew the RSA certificate every three years. Someone who has an RSA certificate that will expire soon can complete the NT government-approved RSA refresher course ( for free to receive a certificate of completion from Hospitality NT. This certificate will be valid for three years and allow you to work in hospitality in the NT.

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Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate in ACT

Licensees and commercial permit holders (excluding influential persons of a corporation who do not supply liquor), employees supplying liquor and crowd controllers at licensed or permitted premises are required to have successfully completed a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) training course by an approved registered training organisation.

RSA training will be required every three years if you are:

  1. A licensee or a commercial permit holder;
  2. An employee of a licensee or commercial permit holder who supplies liquor at the premises: or,
  3. A crowd controller who works at licensed or permitted premises.

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Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificate in VIC

In VIC, anyone with a nationally accredited RSA - Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol (SITHFAB021 or SITHFAB002) qualification obtained through face-to-face or online training from an RTO recognised in another state or territory will be able to complete the VCGLR’s free online RSA bridging course to have their qualification recognised in Victoria. Licence and staff have one (1) month from the date they first sell, offer for sale or serve liquor on a licensed premise to complete an approved RSA training course. Approved RSA online refresher course must be completed within three (3) years of completing their last RSA program (and every three years after that).

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