When will my RSA & RSG Bundle Certificates expire?

RSA Statement of Attainment

  1. For QLD/WA/SA/TAS: A Statement of Attainment issued by us does not expire once obtained, even though the code identifying this course (currently, SITHFAB021) regularly changes. This means that if you hold a Statement of Attainment for “Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol” from any time in the past, it remains valid irrespective of a change in course code.
  2. For the ACT, it expires in 3 years.
  3. For NT, employees need to renew their RSA Certificate every 3 years. If you have an RSA certificate that will expire soon, you can do the NT RSA refresher course (ntrefreshrsa.com) for free and continue work in hospitality in the NT.

RSG Statement of Attainment

For QLD/WA/NT: A Statement of Attainment issued by us does not expire once obtained, even though the code identifying this course (currently, SITHGAM022) regularly changes. This means that if you hold a Statement of Attainment for “Provide Responsible Gambling Services“ from any time in the past, it remains valid irrespective of a change in course code.

For further details, please check the following links:



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