Straightforward, approachable, useful and handy
Yeah, with Galaxy training, the formatting is really straightforward, having every question indexed and having related slides with the source material just to click away from every question is. Really easy really. Makes it approachable. Having the information presented with various different states. Is also pretty useful for me. Just gives you a sense of industry norms even though you know you. You may be licenced to perform RSA or RSG duties in one state, but you'll get an an idea. For just how the industry itself regulates across the nation, that's handy. And no, just. The feedback overall, nothing really bad to say the questions and the sort of penalty for failure is really minimal and just forces you to actually read the question correctly. Probably you know if you get something wrong, more than likely you probably read the question wrong, so that's handy. You know, just a bit of a test and comprehension. Enjoyable. Yeah. Thank you.