RSA Victoria - Interstate RSA with bridging course

Interstate RSA can be recognised in VIC after completing the VCGLR's free online bridging course

Working in a place that sells alcohol is fun and rewarding, but it comes with responsibilities.

Did you know that in Victoria, it's mandatory for anyone serving alcohol to have completed an RSA course that is valid in Victoria?

Anyone with an RSA qualification from an accredited interstate RTO can complete the VCGLR's free online bridging course to have their RSA qualification recognised in Victoria.

If you're new to the industry, you must complete the training within one month of starting to serve alcohol. Working without an RSA certificate is illegal, and the consequences can be severe. You could face fines, suspension or even lose your job. Refresh your RSA training every three years, and ensure the safety of your customers and yourself.

Don't risk it. Get certified.